Monday 24 October 2011

The Path to Success

Sweetie and I have been traveling together for the past week, out of touch with the wonderful land of blogs. Returning, I find that some things have changed, but in a sense, nothing has changed. Dwelling on the changes will bring me down, so I needed to find some levity.

It came my way in an email from a good friend.
These things often do, just when they are needed. Funny thing about that, eh.

We in Canada take bears seriously. In eastern Canada, we have the black bear, no grizzlies here, thank goodness.

As I look down at the table beside me, a coaster sits.

is to have lived well 
laughed often 
& loved much

Now, on with the living and loving part.



  1. No idea if I have lived well nor if I have loved much enough but tomorrow I'll be able to say that I had a very good laugh yesterday.
    And, even I am sad about the changes.
    I allow myself to give you a hug.

  2. Three more blogs I, too, will miss reading, but I see no reason to be down. Reflect on the positive.

    If you've just spent a week traveling with the one person you love the most in this world, then I'd have to say you have the wholeliving well and loving much thing down pat, too. Sounds like your week was a complete success to me. :)


  3. Blogs come and go, it seems to be a sort of ebb and flow sort of thing. The postings as well. The "chowder" seems to be at a point of low tide right now, but I can feel another post coming soon.

    I'll have to admit though, I was really sorry to see the metamorphosis of one of the blogs out there. People share when they're inspired to. Then again, sometimes the inspiration is there but the fear is the material isn't good enough for "release."

    Also as we have seen recently other priorities in life overtake blogging.

    plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


  4. I can really understand other priorities Sarah, and finding other modes of expression as good reasons to leave the blog alone.

    Some of these endings sounded a bit like 'taking my bat and ball and going home now', and that I did not really understand.

    Fear of 'not good enough to release' sounds a bit too much like we are writing a newspaper column or getting paid per reader. Wanting to write something worth reading sounds familiar to me though! LOL

    pp, it was a great success and I am currently working on 'bottling' the product for my own use! :)

    Thanks for the hug Ellena. (())
