Tuesday 5 June 2012

Followers and Other Statistics

In between posts I will go for long periods when there are no reminders to me or anyone else that I write a blog. Lately, real life has intruded in a big way, and there has been no time to write down those fleeting thoughts that once were the fodder of posts here.

During those between times here, the number of 'page-views' per day has seemed artificially high to me. According to that statistic, there are quite a few folk who look at posts whether they are recent or not. Perhaps something from my past is relating to their present. That is a pleasant thought isn't it?

Logging onto Blogger yesterday, I noticed that the number of members of "Team Halle", what blogger calls "Followers" had changed. When I thought about it, that number has been artificially high for a long time. It went down, and to be honest, I am not sure who left, but I have an idea and it makes a lot of sense if I am correct.

I know for a fact one "Follower" has been dead for almost a year, and I still miss her, but, unless I have completely misunderstood the afterlife, her face and name on my list is just a wonderful reminder of good conversations from the past.

Some are women (a couple of them very young too), and as much as I love the idea woman might find ideas here interesting, I am not sure why they would other than perhaps to be supportive. Come to think of it though, the best comments have often come from those women, so please do not think I don't appreciate your visits.

Quite a few friends have transitioned since they began following, and well, they are women now, so... read the previous paragraph.

As I have been reminded recently, having turned sixty last month, numbers cannot hurt you, in fact they really don't mean much at all. How you feel about yourself is much more important than your age, or even how many 'hits' your blog gets, hmm?

By the way, I'd like to say a special hello to all my readers in Russia! :)


  1. I never imagined that I would ever survive to the age of sixty but more importantly having reached that age that I would find that it is more fun than I could ever have imagined.

    Walking on the beach just the other day I was thinking of our lost friend and how it was just a year ago that I first found out that she was having health problems. She proved to me that an online relationship could be as deep as any face to face relationship and I still mourn her passing...

    1. Following along on your journey has been fun too!

      Enjoy those walks on the beach Lady Caroline; you deserve it. She walks alongside I am sure.

  2. I check every day. One less mystery. :D

  3. But Meg, you publish everyday too!! :D

  4. Sorry Halle, I check more than once a day. Just want to make sure that all is fine with you.
    And, my thoughts walk alongside her also.

    1. Ellena, you are so sweet and dear. Thank you so much for walking with us.

  5. You're right Halle, things have changed a lot since even my arrival here (yours and many others' blogs). Like you said, many have simply moved on in their new and better lives. Praise the Lord for that.

    I too have missed our friend greatly this past year. I think of her often. I always loved her whit and kind remarks.

    I also wanted to say thank you for your last comment on my site, You do give me pause to ponder and check out the other side of things.

    Sixty, huh... "Happy Birthday Halle". I left that one behind three years ago. There's not all that much difference though.



    1. Glad to hear the years are treating you well too Cynthia! It is important for us all to ponder all possibilities, and I feel the same way about your comments here.
      I love to learn new things, and couldn't possibly do that if my mind was already completely made up and closed. Thanks for caring enough to listen and comment too.

  6. I understand what you mean about life intruding into the blogging world. And how much energy it can take sometimes to hone something worthy of posting. Which reminds me... After all this time I am glad to see that you are still there. Keep being you! <3

    And Happy (belated) Birthday!


    1. Yes, it seems life is intruding for you as well, and hopefully that is a good thing.
      Glad to hear from you and know you are still there too!

