Sunday 12 May 2013

More Flowers Arrive

It might appear other places in the world, but here in Ontario, we consider this flower to be ours. 

The Trillium are blooming in their thousands in the woods around here. I would love to know other places where these woodland flowers bloom.

We have some in our garden.

White trilliums are the flower of Ontario, but they come in red and purple too

I do love this time of year. New life everywhere.

addendum on May 14: 
Leslie's comment lead me to some research. Here are some links. 
The first is to a blogger from Ohio with photos that remind me of our own forests right now.
The second however is to Cumberland Gal, Dana Koogler of Tennessee, whose close-ups of an amazing variety of hybrid trilliums blew me away. 


  1. for us, it is the wood anemones that fill the woods in the spring. Though the bluebells are now starting to swathe them in, well, blue! Nice to see what your forrin woodland plants look like!

    1. We don't have very many flowers that didn't get brought from the 'old country'.

  2. We have the purple ones around here. This morning they were white but the first sunray brought their original color back.
    A cold night is predicted again. Hope it won't kill the easily shocked new life.
    Hummingbird feeder is swinging in the wind waiting for it's first customer.

  3. Like Dar, I like the red or dark purple ones, but some like the ones you saw Ellena are a very light rose that almost looks white until that sunshine brings out their glow. All are over too soon.

    Thanks for the reminder, I need to boil up some nectar and get our feeder up too so the hummingbirds will have somewhere to feed until the bee balm is out.

  4. Halle!!!!It was the purple ones I saw. It had snowed during the night. During the day I saw snowflakes twice, sun and blue sky twice and hale the size of cherry pits once and now it's just grey and green and wet.

    1. LOL I feel a little, no a lot, silly not figuring out what you were saying! That much snow??? We were so lucky with just a dusting. :)

  5. I have competed in photo contests in southeast Kentucky many times. Maroon trillium are common in some of the river bottoms of the area. They are easy to find in the Cumberland Falls and Big South Fork parks. They make a great photo subject!

    One of my capcha words for this comment: nature.

    1. Ah, my own special Nature Girl, I (naturally) followed up on your suggestion and guess what I found?! Check out the addendum to the original post. Thanks girlfriend. :)
