Friday 21 June 2013

Small Stuff

My Garden on Solstice Day
Tiny Fragile Stuff
Some with Labels Some Have None

I looked out the door and there below was one of our very good friends, who eat those pesky mosquitos and blackflies that make outdoor living difficult.

I am told a peony can't bloom without ants, who eat away at something on the buds, permitting it to open

Our geranium plants have been with us for many years. 
It always amazes me to watch the colour change as the buds grow and open.

Sometimes we just let stuff grow in our garden to see what happens. 

What is it? 

I call it 
a beautiful plant.

I was trimming grass beside the pond and noticed some colour amongst the ferns growing there. 

The ferns lost out (don't worry lots of them left) and Iris can now see and be seen. 


  1. The small stuff all adds up.

  2. I cannot identify the blue flower in the penultimate picture, but I'm glad you have it. A garden is such a joy.

  3. Beautiful pictures.

    I love the flowers in my yard. I think i need more of them as there are never enough.

  4. Thanks Halle - Mini Daughter no longer needs to wonder where all the ants come from and, I also have these little blue flowers and don't know their name. Beautiful photos.

  5. I came home from a day away and we have huge pink peonies!

    Thank you all for stopping by. Wish I could offer you a deck chair and a cold one. :-)

  6. Hello Halle
    I think the 'What is it' flower is a Spiderwort.
    Happy Canada Day!

  7. I just looked up some photos on the interweb and Oh yes, definitely!

    Happy Canada Day Ellena. :)

  8. Beautiful garden! I love being outside in our garden, too. It is refreshing to the soul. :)
