Saturday 5 March 2016

My New Weblog

Some folks I chat with have wondered, now that there is only one-spirit, not two here at this blog, whether it is time for a name change, or maybe a new blog to take me through my transition. 

That is still a good question and if you have an opinion, please feel free to chime in to give your two cents worth. 

The new blog referred to in the title has a very different purpose. I call it On the Other Hand

The first post on the site explains what it is about. Briefly, it will be a collection of short articles I wrote in a 4"x 6" six ringed notebook in the years 1987 and 1988. I uncovered them just in the past few months while setting up my apartment. 

It was quite startling to read these little gems, for although they have no trans content, they are quite relevant to the spiritual path taken to get me here. 

From that point of view, they belong here, but there are many dozens of them... ok, 118 at least (numbered and bound with string). Then there are numerous random ideas and such, that may or may not make it here... so much material. They deserve a special place. 

Hard for me to believe it was I who wrote it all. So long ago; another person. 

They are letters from a younger self, to me now, the woman I so desperately needed to become. 


  1. Bear with me if I appear to be a little slow on the uptake. Will I continue to be able to access your updated "On the Other Hand" as I can now? Or are you closing "Two Spirits - One Halle"?

    I have no thoughts about what you should do blogwise. I think one goes where the spirit moves. I must say, however, that whichever way you go I will read with great interest.

    1. There is no plan to eliminate Two-Spirits any time in the future. If there is inspiration as has been the case in the past month, to add onto this collection, I will not hesitate to do so.

  2. Hi Halle
    I note your statement "they are quite relevant to the spiritual path taken to get me here". In fact I think ( having read what you said so many moons ago ) they are quite profound but equally rather innocent. We are so much more than just flesh and bone don't you think ? best wishes

    1. The experience of reading these has astounded me, Lindsay. You have captured the essence however, with your question at the end.

  3. Halle; I'm not sure what is happening on "On the Other Hand." My comments appear to be repeating themselves. Perhaps I'm not supposed to comment? Anyway, I'll desist for now.

    1. I see what you mean Tom, and cannot imagine what is causing the issue. It is a simple matter however to eliminate duplication. I would much rather see your comments in stereo than not at all, so please do.

  4. Hi Halle, Having more than one blog can be helpful for a special project and the 'On the Other Hand' notes to self from so long ago certainly fulfill that criteria.

    One problem I had was that your link didn't go to the main page of the new blog but only to your introductory piece, making it necessary to click on the home page at the top.

    We all change so much. There have been many times when I wonder if the person I used to be would like who I am today and vice versa :) We are phenomena rather than the solid personalities we like to comfort ourselves imagining.

    1. Hi Susan, it is interesting that it was perhaps seeing your own use of separate blogs that planted the seed to do this.
      I love your thought that we are 'phenomena'. It reminds me of a Richard Bach quote: We are all free to be whoever we want to be.

    2. Just thinking about your comment regarding the link sending readers to the 'about' page, and realized that had not been mentioned in my first reply. I did that on purpose for this post, but on the link at the top right side of this page it takes you to the current home page.
      Thank you again Susan for your comments here.
