Sunday 24 April 2016

I Didn't Cry

But I could have; for the fear and upset and finally, in joyous relief. 

I woke myself from a terrible dream early this morning. No monsters in the dream, or perhaps there was one. 

In it, I was a man, dressed as one, talking like one, and acting like one. I wanted to run away from myself, it was so awful!

Sometimes you just think something is so. Then your heart sends you such a clear message. 

No doubts. 

You know.


  1. A good friend, when I told her, just said "Nothing like a bad dream for motivation."

  2. Think nothing of it. Stay the course. Your mind is playing games with you....two spirits, you know?

    1. I will be staying the course for sure, given that reaction to the dream.
      Two spirits ~ interesting idea. Might make a good title for someone's blog, except I don't feel as though there are two around here anymore.
      Thanks Calie. xox

  3. Interesting! I used to be a pipe smoker, and stopped the habit....oooh....25 years ago? It since then I have, on a number of occasions, dreamed that I have secretly been smoking all this time. The awful thing is that everyone is in on my secret. As Calie says, your mind is playing games with you. I don't know whether it will tire of the game, but it is a game, not reality.

    1. I'm sure if it happens again (and it sounds as though it will likely) being prepared to ignore the game will certainly help.
      I've never smoked in my life, but I have had dreams where I did. They didn't bother me anything like this.

  4. Hi Halle,
    I would join in with prior comments to endorse the idea of the mind dreaming is playing games with you. On the other hand I also think dreaming does have a purpose but we don’t seem to be able for the most part to figure out what it is. I also find it unsettling at times and almost always unrelated directly to present space or time as for example involving my late parents or even exotic scenes of medieval cobbled places interacting with folk who are completely unfamiliar to me. I had a dream recently I was falling to my death and couldn’t do anything about it, so I decided all I could do is wait and pray death would be instantaneous. Unremarkably I woke up feeling very relieved. Yet the dream doesn’t reflect me being anxious about anything in particular as far as I know.
    Sometimes I even dream I am having dream to awaken in surprise to realise both were dreams.

    Best wishes

    1. Somewhere it was suggested that in sleep the brain does a sorting and cleaning process from short-term memory, filing away the things that are important, and flushing away other things. The same source suggested that dreams result from the conscious mind attempting to make sense of everything, including its own internal processing.

      Who knows what memory you were dealing with in those exotic scenes?

      Best to you too Lindsay.

  5. Dreams have a purpose but not always resolvable with a straight forward 'logical' meaning/answer. I suspect your subconscious was trying to wake you up for some reason and put you in the body of a man and you reacted as you were intended to do, in a sweat but awake. Ok that was a simple answer for what is a complex process when it comes to dreams, but what ever the reason was you learnt something from it, not so?

    1. We do always want to believe that everything has a purpose. It might have been random, but it accomplished something important anyway.
      I do believe in serendipity! How else would I have met all of you wonderful folk?
