"The unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates

- - scatterings of ideas sent to my younger self, a sensitive girl who was fooled into believing she was a boy because of anatomy - -

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Echo Chamber

 Hello... HELLO!! IS ANYONE OUT THERE?? .. outthere.. outthere.. outthere.. 

It has been a while since I set over 430 blogposts to 'draft' status here.. I republished one to see if anyone is out there.. In spite of the statistics, there seems to be nobody left. I might be the last of my kind. 

In 2010 finding blogs and their authors was a lifeline that told me I had family that I could get to know. I started commenting on those blogs. Soon I started my own, to give back a bit of what I could only get from reading what those other like-minded people could say. 

We read and commented. We learned from each other. 

Blogistan was a lovely place that I was proud to be a part of. I mourn its loss. But one can and should only mourn for so long. 


  1. Well now, I'm still here even if I no longer post on Gwynt.

    1. And you know where to find me, dear Tom. xx

  2. We are here and reading / listening. I check so many blogs that haven't been updated for over 10 years. It feels like finding a needle in a haystack when I click on one that is active.

  3. Janina, I know that feeling. Thank you for letting me know you are out there. If a few others would leave a comment now and then it would remind me that I'm not alone.

  4. I started blogging in 2010 and soon found a large collection of blogs to read. Of course that collection has dwindled over the years as blogging, as a practice, has fallen out of fashion. But I still search for and cherish valuable blogs. The trick now is finding them. There used to be easily-available tools (e.g., Bloglovin) but they've disappeared. So unless someone comments on my blog (thank you!) or otherwise comes to my attention, it's hard to find good things to read. Which is my long-winded way of saying thank you for popping onto my radar. :)
