"The unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates

- - scatterings of ideas sent to my younger self, a sensitive girl who was fooled into believing she was a boy because of anatomy - -

Sunday 3 August 2014

Self Image ~ Letting Go

Echos from his life:

"No, I'm not surprised that I haven't heard from them. Why would anyone think of me, anyway."

When you are convinced that you are a screw-up, it spills over and makes amazing messes in every area of your life. Even though you are hiding your deepest feelings, feelings that come from a place dark and self-loathing, it is obvious to others that you are unhappy, and they all think you are unhappy with them. "Who wants to be with someone who is always down?" and around and around it goes, each circle a bit lower and tighter than the previous one. 

I am not a screw up. I have confidence in me (cue Rodgers and Hammerstein sound track from Sound of Music please...).

So, why is it that I am still the one to call family members? How many times do they think I am going to want to hear "oh, hi, I was just thinking of you... " as they realize who it is on the other end of the line. 

Yes, this pattern is an old one; a holdover that threatens to keep me in that past. Who doesn't think that when something happens over and over that maybe, just maybe, it is your problem and not someone elses'? How dare I have self-confidence under those circumstances? Well, it is not their fault that they are stuck in my past. Finding a way to bring them into my present is proving to be daunting however. It just might be that in some perverted way, they are comfortable with my past. 

For me now, it is about rising above my past. Yes, that person was, sadly, a reminder of bad times and someone who really was not fun to be with. I am carrying his baggage, but not much longer. Bit by bit it is being left at the roadside... nope, don't need that... oh my, look at this old thing. It never really did fit me, so time to ditch it all. 
The pack gets lighter and my heart with it. 

The wonderful truth is that my sweetie has noticed a lighter and happier me. Our kids and now grandkid knows this version. We love one another. I am not a stranger to them. 

Who doesn't stop now and then to wonder what might have been, or how we might have done things better? We learn from experience. 

Eventually, all the knowing has been gleaned. The chaff needs to be left behind.

"No, I am not surprised I haven't heard from them. It seems they don't want to know the person I am now. "


  1. Amen, gir!! :D Your last two lines said it all. You can invite others to share in your journey, but whether they join you or not is their choice. And the loss if they choose not to is entirely theirs.

    Good for you, Halle!!!


    1. Thought of some of your issues as I wrote this Cass. Hope you are doing well.


    2. Hanging in there. :) You have been quite the little blogstress lately, Miss Halle! lol Good to see you in a writing mood.

      Ciao for now!


  2. Lovely post Halle. You said something in there that really made me think....

    "Who wants to be with someone who is always down?" and around and around it goes, each circle a bit lower and tighter than the previous one.

    Doesn't apply to me but perhaps is the reason I have been distancing myself from my best friend. She depends on me and I've not been there for her....

    @Cass - Love your comment, sweetie!

    Calie xxx

    1. It must be so hard when you care for someone who is in that spiral, but won't, or cannot see their way past it all. It was up to me to find a way out.

      Thanks Calie,

    2. Thank you, Calie! :D Hope you are well!!


  3. If you really want to know someone is it their outer shell or inner soul which attracts you the strongest?

    There is a lighter step with less baggage, even a skip in the step...

    1. I hid my inner soul for so very long. That was a terrible thing to do to myself and it deprived those who might have cared and helped. Those who might have embraced that true self never had a chance.
      I am so very happy these days, as you know Coline! :-)

  4. We are not responsible for other people's attitudes. If they choose to live out their lives in your past, that's their problem. Incidentally, I was just thinking of you...... :)

    1. :-D Tom, I am so happy to see your comment here, as I have been thinking of you too... honest!
      If others want to find me, I am right here, in the present.

  5. I have learnt many times in my life that living in the past is not only a waste of time, but quite damaging. Letting go of baggage that keeps us there is freeing. Good for you.
