"The unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates

- - scatterings of ideas sent to my younger self, a sensitive girl who was fooled into believing she was a boy because of anatomy - -

Wednesday 16 January 2019


Caroline is a wonderful friend. Her blog and her comments on this blog were each an early source of support for me at a time when I was convinced that the best I could do was to maintain a male façade. 

She and I have corresponded and chatted for many years, and for most of those years she patiently waited for me. She was supportive, often a shoulder to cry on, but she never told me what I should do. Since my transition, our friendship has grown and deepened. She is a friend who, as Proverbs 18:24 says, sticks closer than a sister. 

This post is linking to her final post, "Anniversary and end of an era ...", because, for some inexplicable reason, her blog won't accept comments anymore, and she richly deserves many. 

Leave a comment here and I shall make sure Caroline gets it.  


  1. We just can lose Caroline as a blogger!

    This is probably a stupid comment....but check Settings/Posts, comments and sharing settings. I'm sure you have, but just in case....

  2. I left this comment (below) on Caroline's post. It is awaiting Blogger approval. Note that you can go into Settings/Comments and see all comments awaiting moderation.
    Well, I don't want you going away Caroline. I always see you as an example of a "light at the end of the tunnel". I never give up looking for that light. Let's see if this comments makes it through Blogger.

  3. Oh, and thank you, Caroline, for the link to the article on transitioning later in life. I'll feature it on TC.

    Calie xoxo
